Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I'm so green to blogger land I have been tagged for my first meme. (what does that stand for anyway.) Thanks to Kristen @ No Small Thing :-)

1. What is the first pet you remember?

The one and only pet I had growing up. A goldfish, Sonny. I won him at a carnival and he lived all of 2 weeks or so. I was so sad when he died.

2. How many different kinds of pets have you owned?

Sonny the goldfish.

Hubby and I "rescued" a kitten we named Nikko from my sister in law when my nephew was about 2 and torturing the poor little guy. I didn't even LIKE cats. Drove the poor scared thing from Johnstown to Pittsburgh. I was trying to hold him in my lap and he kept trying to climb up and nestle under my chin. He was all of about 6 weeks old. I was so freaked out I kept hollering "he is going to bite my jugular vein!" I thought I had a vampire cat I guess.

A few weeks later when we decided he was lonely (Hubby and I both worked all day) we adopted him a friend from the pound. We named her Micia (Italian for little kitty).

We had to put Nikko to sleep just about 2 years ago. He was 16. We adopted Cyrus a few months later. He spent his first year in our family torturing poor Micia in her old age. We lost Micia last April. She was 17.

I miss them both. Sad to say, I haven't really bonded with Cyrus much.

3. What was your strangest pet?

Not sure I've had a strange pet. Maybe Cyrus. If you don't pay attention to him he jumps up the counter (ERR!!!!) and starts knocking stuff off. He also puts food in his mouth and carries it across the kitchen, spits it on the floor and then eats it. I guess he is pretty strange.

4. What is your dream pet?

Hmmmm...I guess I'd love to have a horse.

5. What is your nightmare pet?

Cyrus. He drives me crazy.

6. Your best/ funniest pet story

When we rescued Nikko from the crazed nephew, my sil told us he was a "she" We actually named him Micia first and called her a girl and treated her like a girl (you know all gentle and stuff). Two weeks later whe "she" had her first vet appointment the vet looked at us and asked why we were calling "HIM' a girl. Ooops...I guess we didn't pay attention in biology or something. So we changed his name. Funny thing was that as soon as my hubby found out "she" was a "he" he started to treat him different. Played rougher with him, didn't cuddle him as much.

7. Tell your worst/saddest pet story

Having to make the decision to let them go. Terrible. I know now why my parents didn't let us have animals. It was so hard on my boys.

8. Did you ever have a scary animal experience?

Just my aunt's crazy Siamesse cat that would always hiss at me when I went to their house. That.cat.hated.me. My aunt still denies that.

9. What was your favorite pet? Nikko. I think the reason I haven't bonded with Cyrus is because we got him too soon after we lost Nikko.

10. What did you really want to tell us about pets that didn’t fit into the other questions?

My boys (all of them!) really want a Dog. Really really. I am afraid of dogs! How can I have a dog???? Not only do they want a dog, they want a DOG...a Great Dane!

I'm supposed to take 4 people now, huh? Most of the blogs I read are craft blogs..not sure they will respond, but I'll try.

I tag:



holy cow...I just realized I need more friends in blogger land!!!! How do you get more blogger friends?????


Anonymous said...

I will be glad to play....But I have to go catch up on all my piled up DVR shows while my house is sleeping. I PROMISE to fill in my meme in the morning....okay, maybe by noon, I'm not really a morning kind of gal. Except maybe 2 in the morning....


Kristen@nosmallthing said...

We made the same mistake getting our Sonny too soon after we lost Coco. But you know, when you're devasted by a loss, you do what you can to comfort yourself. For us, we thought that was another dog. But, it was just too soon...

Cyrus sounds pretty funny, actually. We had a dog, Frisbee, that would do the same thing with her food. We thought it was hilarious.