Sunday, January 11, 2009

I caved

okay...I'm not as strong as my friend Kristen @ No Small Thing

You all know Josh is grounded for two weeks. Well, after I posted my last blog update I got a call from a friend inviting us over to watch the Steelers play (BEAT!!!) the Chargers. I really stewed over this for the last day. Going to watch the game meant that Josh would get to see a friend of his that he never gets to see. But it would also mean it would be allowed two or three of the things he was banished, video games and friends. I caved. We went. He had to clean his room and the cat boxes before we left. We didn't even tell him we were going till we got in the car. We could have gone at 1 and we didn't go til 4. He still has to serve out the rest of his punishment.

I. am. weak.


Kristen@nosmallthing said...

NOOOOOOOOO! Well, at least you caved for selfish reasons! Ha ha!

Hope you had fun, it looked like a great game. I knew when I saw the snow that they would win. Go Steelers! William picked them a couple weeks ago to win the big one.

marcyh said...

That is the sad was pretty much purely selfish. That and the fact that everytime Janine tries to get Josh and Bobby together he is at a scout event.

marcyh said...

ps....william is a smart boy :-)