Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Is it possible for my 7 year old to be so full of anxiety? He has never liked change, or new things, or the unknown; but for some reason his reaction seems to be getting worse. The last 3 mornings getting him ready for school has been hard. His stomach hurts, his head hurts, he thinks he is going to throw up. We've alerted his teacher in hopes that she can pin point something that might be happening at school. If you ask him what is bothering him he will give you a long list of every injustice he has been served over the last few months.

I wonder if there is somebody being mean to him? Does he think school is too hard? He loves his teacher, so I don't think that is an issue.

It is so hard being a Mom somedays.....


jen@odbt said...

Oh that's tough. My kids go through phases just like this. It's probably b/c the winter break was 2 weeks and getting back into the routine of things is hard for anyone.

It's good that you already contacted his teacher so she can keep an eye on things. It's true when they say that kids are a walking pieces of our heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh Marcy...I'm sorry he's feeling wierd. It's probably just getting back into the routine that is troubling him.

What did his teacher say? Have you been able to be in the class at all?

Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be better for him. It hurts to see them struggle, and it's worse when you don't know why...

Unknown said...

Ben went thru that, remember? It was a bully in class, a GIRL bully I might add. Are you sure there isn't something going on? Have him talk to the guidance counselor, it really helped Ben. He even got to bring a friend and have lunch in there. Oh, and he was afraid of the lunch ladies for a while too, remember? lol