Tuesday, January 13, 2009

He really is a sweet boy.

My oldest. The one that has been driving me nuts with his pre-pubescent angst.

Check this picture out.

Light on his feet.


Anonymous said...

that is a super cool picture.
So much of a story there....

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Love it Marcy! What a great program. How'd you get them to do that? Does he like it? I can't imagine William doing it. I know he would give me a hard time.

marcyh said...

He loves it..but probably because he gets to dance with cute girls. It is just Josh. I didn't sign Tim up for the K-5 program. I think he is a tad too young and the lessons would be lost on him. Not to mention it is very $$$, I was even torn enrolling Josh.

Unknown said...

This is the best ever! I will take a screenshot of it so you have it as a .jpg too. Check your email. :)