Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fantasy Football

Josh has been bitten by the fantasy football bug! One of his friends set up a league for them to play on ESPNzone.com . Just what this group of super competitive boys needs. Their draft was on Sunday. It was quiet amusing to watch him read SI (why does that magazine have to have Viagra ads????....oh wait, never mind) and compile his list of best picks. Frankly, he didn't pick anyone I would have picked. That might be a good thing though. I played in a league last year and came in dead LAST. Dad of course had to get in the action and make suggestions. Josh kept getting mad at him and saying he wanted to do it himself.

Should be interesting to see how he does. I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

GO JOSH! I too stink at Fantasy Football. And those stupid basketball brackets. I was never good at those either. Definitely keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Oh Marcy, he's turning into a little man. Already. He's such a good kid.